Saturday, August 3, 2013

QR Codes ~ Summer 2013 Class Projects

My summer Speaking and Listening II class completed research and each group composed a Blog to upload their learning artifacts to.
Please click through the pages, and leave any comments either for the students or for me.
They did initial research and completed a Formal Action Plan to determine who would be impacted, how much time the project should take, how much it should cost, and their plan of attack.  Although some groups initially projected a financial expenditure -especially if Ivy Tech decided to utilize their work to make stickers or actual business cards, the entire project took approximately three weeks; cost nothing, as the students used the existing technology in their smart phones, and they completed a Reflection at the end to ponder what they had actually learned by engaging in this project. Their metacognitive awareness impressed me, as I constantly challenged them to think about how they could utilize these skills 'in real life' and in their further studies.
Following then, find the url's to their work.
Alpha Group's Blog
Mind Master's Group
Master Mind's Blog